Aeman Buatmu Ibu english translation
Aeman Buatmu Ibu song lyrics
Aeman Buatmu Ibu translation
Bergenang airmataku
my tears are flowing
Terbayang wajahmu yang redup sayu
I imagine your dim and mournful face
Kudusnya kasih yang engkau hamparkan
Your love that you give is pure
Bagaikan laut yang tak bertepian
Like the endless sea
Biarpun kepahitan telah engkau rasakan
Despite all the bitterness you have felt
Tidak pun kau merasa jemu
You'd never feel tired
Mengasuh dan mendidik kami semua anakmu
You nurtured and teach us all, your children
Dari kecil hingga dewasa
From our childhood to our adulthood
Hidupmu kau korbankan
You sacrifice your life
Biarpun dirimu telah terkorban
Despite of yourself that has been sacrificed
Tak dapat ku balasi
I would never be able to reciprocate
Akan semua ini
of everything
Semoga Tuhan membekati kehidupanmu ibu
May God bless your life, mother
Kau ampunilah dosaku
Please forgive all my faults
Andainya pernah menghiris hatimu
if it happens to slice your heart
Restumu yang amat aku harapkan
All I hope is only your bless
Kerana di situ letak syurgaku
Because there is my heaven located
Tabahnya melayani kenakalan anakmu
How strong you stand your childrens stubborness
Mengajarku erti kesabaran
it has taught me of patience
Kau bagai pelita di kala aku kegelapan
You are like the light in the moment I am in the dark
Menyuluh jalan kehidupan
You illuminate my way of life
Kasih sayangmu sungguh bernilai
Your love is priceless
Itulah harta yang kau berikan
That is the treasure that you have given
Kau ampunilah dosaku
Please forgive all my faults
Andainya pernah menghiris hatimu
if it happens to slice your heart
Restumu yang amat aku harapkan
All I hope is only your bless
Kerana di situ letaknya syurgaku
Because there is my heaven located
Tabahnya melayani kenakalan anakmu
How strong you stand your childrens stubborness
Mengajarku erti kesabaran
it has taught me of patience
Kau bagai pelita di kala aku kegelapan
You are like the light in the moment I am in the dark
Menyuluh jalan kehidupan
You illuminate my way of life
Kasihanilah, Tuhan
Have pity, dear God
Ibu yang telah melahirkan diriku
to my mother who bore me
Bagaikan kasih ibu sewaktu kecilku
like her love when I was child
Moga bahagia ibu di dunia dan di akhirat sana
May you be happy in the world and hereafter
Moga bahagia ibu di dunia dan di akhirat sana
May you be happy in the world and hereafter