ADDA De Dorul Tau english translation
ADDA De Dorul Tau song lyrics
ADDA De Dorul Tau translation
De te-ar fi durut în cot cum mă durea pe mine inima
If it hurt you as much as my heart did
Ai fi rămas în pat lângă mine, n-ai mai fi plecat!
You wouldn't have left the bed
Am închis ușa în urma ta râzând, strângând din dinți să nu mă vezi plângând
I closed the door behind you lauching, gathering my teeth so you won't see me crying
Iau cheile cu mine și le-arunc, să nu mă întorc
I pick my keys and I throw 'em away, to not come back
Îmi beau un pahar de vin cu amintiri și mă sufoc
I drink my glass with wine full of memories and it's feel like I'm suffocating
Pentru ce-a fost te voi iubi nespus
For all it was, I will love you abundantly
Mai presus de toate, ți-am mai spus
Above all, I've told you
Ca eu nu plec pentru ca nu te mai vreau
That I don't leave because I don't want you anymore
Eu plec pentru ca nu mai pot sa stau asa
I'm leaving because I can't stay like this anymore
Cu tine, in lipsa ta
With you, but without you
Stiu ca o sa mor de dorul tau
I know I'll die because of your missing
La bine si la rau
For good or bad
Ne-am promis ca o sa fim impreuna mereu
We promised each others that we'll be together forever
Am ras cu tine la bine si am plans in anii grei,
I laughed with you when all was good and I cried when it all was to hard
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!
And it all just to die from your longing?
La bine si la rau
For good or bad
Ne-am promis ca o sa fim impreuna mereu
We promised each others that we'll be together forever
Am ras cu tine la bine si am plans in anii grei.
I laughed with you when all was good and I cried when it all was to hard
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!
And it all just to die from your longing?
De dorul tau.
From your longing
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!
And it all just to die from your longing?
De dorul tau.
From your longing
Daca o sa te simt de acum doar in amintiri
If I'll feel you starting now just from the memories
Stiu ca o sa te caut si in alte iubiri
I know I'll search you in another love
De-o vara sau de-o viata, nu conteaza, merg in fata
I doesn't matter if it's a summer's love story or for eternity, I keep going
Pana n-o sa mai am nicio lacrima pe fata
Until all those tears will be dried on my face
Voiam sa fim un film sau macar un serial
I wanted us to be a movie or just a serial
Dar am ajuns sa fim doar cantecul de la final
But we ended being just the song from the end of show
Pentru ce-a fost, te voi iubi nespus
For all it was, I will love you abundantly
Mai presus de toate, ti-am mai spus
Above all, I've told you
Ca eu nu plec pentru ca nu te mai vreau
That I don't leave because I don't want you anymore
Eu plec pentru ca nu mai pot sa stau asa
I'm leaving because I can't stay like this anymore
Cu tine, in lipsa ta
With you, but without you
Stiu ca o sa mor de dorul tau
I know I'll die because of your missing
La bine si la rau
For good or bad
Ne-am promis ca o sa fim impreuna mereu
We promised each others that we'll be together forever
Am ras cu tine la bine si am plans in anii grei,
I laughed with you when all was good and I cried when it all was to hard
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!
And it all just to die from your longing?
La bine si la rau
For good or bad
Ne-am promis ca o sa fim impreuna mereu
We promised each others that we'll be together forever
Am ras cu tine la bine si am plans in anii grei,
I laughed with you when all was good and I cried when it all was to hard
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!
And it all just to die from your longing?
Te-am iertat, ca te iubeam prea mult
I forgave you because I've loved you so much
Ai zis ca nu mai faci, dar tot ai facut
You told me you wouldn't do that, but you did it anyway
Si sufletul meu mut plange acu'
And my sharp soul is crying now
Dar nu-l aude nimeni
But there's nobody to her him
Nici eu nu vreau sa-l aud pe al tau
And I don't want to hear yours at all
Ca stiu ca te gandesti la mine mereu
'cause I know you think at me always
Mori de dorul meu la fel cum eu
You're dyind now 'cause you're missing me like I do
Stiu ca o sa mor de dorul tau!!
I know I'll die because of your missing
La bine si la rau
For good or bad
Ne-am promis ca o sa fim impreuna mereu
We promised each others that we'll be together forever
Am ras cu tine la bine si am plans in anii grei
I laughed with you when all was good and I cried when it all was to hard
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!!
And it all just to die from your longing?
La bine si la rau
For good or bad
Ne-am promis ca o sa fim impreuna mereu
We promised each others that we'll be together forever
Am ras cu tine la bine si am plans in anii grei
I laughed with you when all was good and I cried when it all was to hard
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau?!
And it all just to die from your longing?
De dorul tau.
From your longing
Doar ca sa mor de dorul tau!!
And it all just to die from your longing?
De dorul tau.
From your longing