3 Busserulls The Morning Flight song lyrics
3 Busserulls The Morning Flight song lyrics
The light of dawn is starting
to push away the night,
a bunch of guys are waiting
for the early morning flight.
They all are tired but happy
they have worked out their turn
so now they will be coming in
with cash and time to burn.
Morning flight
we leave on the morning flight
I tell you it feels alright
the early morning flight
Alle prate lystig om ka
fritidå vil gi
men Helmuth i fra Hamburg
han tenke kun på beer
Luigi fra Milano
tenke ømt på Angelina
Kvinnfolk ah kvinnfolk
hans egen signorina
Morning flight
we leave on the morning flight
I tell you it feels alright
the early morning flight
Don fra Amarillo
he thinks about his hat
that and his new cowboy boots
will knock the woman flat
Ole fra Stavanger says
I'll see you all i kveld
me møtes cirka eight o'clock
på ein bar in the hotel
Morning flight
we leave on the morning flight
I tell you it feels alright
the early morning flight